dude. South by Freak OUT. We transformed the backstage at Stubb’s in 4 days flat. Love love love this divine client who says: this is how much $ I have- can you make it just look cool? and Fast? yes. yes ma’am we can. Better here?


or….(and yes, that is more artificial turf…) Demi Moore and Ashton Kutchner broke it in for us first pm. But I think the boys were more thrilled that they were installing during Motor Head’s sound check. I gather Lemmy took a deep drag and declared it “excellent”. Jules was in hog heaven.

gnome on grass pad.jpg
gnome in container.jpg

and then the W pool deck install… Poor things were hoofing it trying to get their permits before SX- which they did with huge kudos to their lead designer Heather Plimmer. She and Jacqueline there have the nerves of steel and the patience of saints. I can’t wait for it all to fill in and begin to bloom vulgar pink hardy ice plant everywhere.



All this on top of the week before doing the Texas Medal for the Arts at the Long Center- 4 events in 2 days. Little Miss oh I just looove west texas… slay me after making 270 center pieces with miniature west texas landscapes.



also a dinner in a private home- used the ever popular dead deer in a thicket theme. And also there was a brunch from which i lost the pictures b/c i dropped my phone into a planter @ the W and all pix went adios. but- it was all about tumble weeds. i’m a little obsessed w them.


But then during SXSW I got road rage and had to run off to NYC before I planted a cute little hipster behind our garden shed. I felt bad missing Shepard Fairey in our guest house but I heard his mural went off with out a hitch. I’ll try and go get a photo for you. But in NYC, I went retail researching in Williamsburg, Nolita, etc etc. I think I’ll be making a boutique for people by people who really really need it to be easy to shop. I loved seeing you here last week! talk to you soon- jb