people needing people

S- Daniel Richards, my designer in New York got a little write up in Manhattan Magazine- about my Terrace in NYC. He’s started his own design firm doing outside and inside- he’s a chic australian dreamboat. When I was up there last weekend, I was thinking about how helpful it is to have another eye. Even designers need designers right? When we were honing the boxwood rooms up there, I just knew I wanted to be able to see over them when I sat down. He insisted that I wouldn’t. I swore I would. He suggested that I’d enjoy the feeling of enclosure. I promised I wanted to see out. He encouraged me to plant them at his height and then if i just hate it we could hack them back (as if!). I did and of course, he was absolutely right. Walk the walk right? oh and yes, that is more fake turf. eek. jb

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