"let’s make it clean" let’s make it green.


So. We’ve been humping it over here at Navasota to get us ready for prime time or at least to do all we can do until next January’s lull.


We joined the yard of the little house with the yard of the office and prepped it for Texas Custom Turf’s visit today.

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Check it. They use fertilizer carts to go back and forth over the installed turf literally 50x to fill and make the grain stand up. photo.jpg

Major and Dinah were raised on it in the Murray Garden and immediately went out and rolled around. I’m obsessed with this product. You can put your furniture all over it and it never turns brown, no bugs, no water, no mowing- 15 year guarantee. super super sweet. Abercombie just skateboarded in and did a cartwheel on the new turf.

We’re also prepping the side bed for giant freakish castor beans and blood red sunflowers.


Speaking of castor beans, have you read the book Wicked Plants?

My childhood friend Amy Stewart wrote it and it’s all about plants that kill you. I always believed that your parents told you not to eat certain plants because you trip. Now I get that you trip and then die. I guess. Whatever, I’ve always been interested in themed gardens. When I visited Château du Champ de Bataille- Jacques Garcia’s little shamble. I was quite enamored with his heaven and hell gardens.

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Can you get behind the pruning for the heaven gates? Blue fluffy plants in heaven and red evil plants in hell.

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I loved seeing this garden in 2004- it was still very new and i’m sympathetic to the man who is throwing down some major buckage on his garden. The chateau came with unrealized garden plans- possibly by Le Notre, so M. Garcia is executing the plans but with his special je ne sais quois.

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Like how I linked our new courtyard with a chateau? Delusions of grandeur. Thrilled that you are coming to town next week! xoxojb

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