tarrytown gone loco

S- i love that you are on vacation~ every 7 years whether you need it or not right? Look how your east austin is leeching into Tarrytown? this sign was out front off of westover this am.


Chicken Coops are the new west austin dream vehicle. I remember, my neighbor Melanie in old enfield used to keep a hen that would roost in the bushes by her front door and invariably would scare the shit out of you when you were coming to their house for dinner. I have yet to see a coop in Tarrytown, Pemberton or Old west enfield though….maybe too many little dogs? Maybe it was my terrorista terriers? we are all moved to our new abode as of this weekend so 78703 is safe for chickens- let the designing begin! I’ll shoot some pix of the state of the garden- room for improvement indeed. Off to NY this afternoon. All hail cooler weather. xooxjb

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