chez moi

S- I thought I would post the progress of my new garden, so clients could check out the process of a garden build. So, you know I purchased the house in February with an existing 1960′s pool. I started work immediately getting the pool underway because it was well- a death trap. The CoA power lines went over the pool and we couldn’t get a permit unless we buried them- a major major undertaking. But here it is November 4th a mere 9 months later and after a new foundation, new plaster, new tile that matches the 1960′s and new filtration system the pool is just now ready for prime time.


It’s particularly distressing that the property looked somewhat cuter when i purchased it than how i’m living in it day to day. Note the quaint screened in BBQ house back there. Good to know mosquitos were as bad in the 1950′s as they are today. Mosquito Nix to the rescue.

Demo is oh so fast- but reno hay dios mio. It’s killing me- why and how did i kill that grass? oh- right no irrigation system. I’m having to do it in stages too as we won’t be able to build a cabana until January when I assume we won’t be working in the field for clients. I’m trying at least to get the back to an area where it’s not a giant mud pit- although the dogs don’t seem to mind that aspect in the least.

The front of the house was old lady overgrown paradise and it killed me to thin it out- but I needed to bring my garden over from the old house. I’m thrilled to say that the guys transplanted everything so well, the camellias didn’t drop a bud and have begun to bloom. My poor oakleaf hydrangeas have now been moved 3 times- some 4. I cannot believe they are all still with us. Hopefully, under jackie’s green thumb it will be old lady overgrown paradise soon enough. And I found a tiny brick planter on the chimney. A friend told me that Mrs. Aickmen, the previous owner always put coral geraniums in the boxes. But everything I try to put there looks way too perky and freaks me out. I planted a lot of vines on the front of the house…so hopefully that will cut the perk enough to pop some cute flowers in.


I took so much out on the side of the house it went from full shade to full sun. Oops. Opportunity for a rose garden; you can see it from the kitchen window- a cool surprise. I hid a vulgar mauve rose back in there- they look great in the house but in the garden… debatable. When I see all this in person, I automatically like you do see it full grown, but when I see it in photos- I sympathize so much with our clients. Really? All this work and these spindly little things are what we get? But oh next spring and next fall… divine. oh wait- in this picture, i see mosquito nix put sprayers in my rose garden yesterday. That should kill them toute suite- curses. More later on the mud pit in the back. best, Julie


mommy it’s loud


We moved into the new office on Friday. Dios Mio- it’s horrid being your own client. We are SO last on the list after all our clients- so as you can imagine- we just threw all our crap in and tried to pretend it was clean. Thus we are working in a construction site. I mean- is this REALLY what it sounds like to live with Chucho welding all day? I feel like we should include a xanax prescription in our estimate for the poor moms or nannies that are home with this racket.


We still have a giant hole in the wall for the fleetwood doors to the courtyard but poured the concrete threshold (and the fountain) for them today. I love how nervous the crew is when they pour for a client- it’s pretty much a one shot deal. But pouring for us apparently is more fun than anyone should be having at ahem 7 am. See them hone their supervisory skills…


I know this is how clients feel when they look around and think is this ever going to look like a garden? But all the confederate jasmine is coming in on Thursday for the trellis and the irrigation is stubbed out and the keggerator is plugged in. So i guess it’s all going to come together. We are supposed to have the opening party on Nov 10th BUT no way are we going to make it.

But it’s good for us to be back on the east side and to look down Cesar Chavez and see the original blue house- mother ship BRS. all for now mama- i gotta get my clorox clean up on. xoxo J


Dear S- So we all arrived in NY the Thursday before memorial day. As you know, we are working on trying to build our design

eye together -but i’m also trying to get our team to deeply understand the luxury of a green space in a tight urban environment- thus all the forced fun. We landed around 6 and got into the city around sunset. I’m SO very very anti outdoor kitchen so I showed the boys the beauty of the charcoal Weber- in the rain, on my terrace on 5th avenue. We all agreed it much wiser to spend the money on strips from Loebel’s than the thing we cook them on. Plus the threat of burning down the building is an added bonus.

After dinner and wine and wine we decided to check out Central Park. We literally saw no one- they couldn’t yet realize how incredible it is to be in Central Park and not see a soul. The band shell, fountain and allees seem huge and haunting. The team found out trying to cross the park on the way home- it was empty because ahem it closes at 1am. NYCPD very helpful and kind.

The next morning we were fresh as daisies setting out to see Central Park by day. We started in the conservatory gardens, the only formally planted part of Central Park. Justin found his yoda- 1 dude a giant hedge and pair of felcos. period. slaying it.

In the afternoon- we headed downtown to get to the highline. I’m really wanting more artists’ work in the gardens so we loved seeing the Spencer Finch installs. and then some R&D at the Standard.

The next morning we aimed mid town to see one of my favorite spots in Manhattan- Paley Park. For me, it is the apotheosis of restraint and elegance. It takes a brave client to trust that 3 types of plants are more than perfect. We do adore our Live Oak client who allowed us this luxury and you know it looks SO fine. oops. ego. down.

It was fleet week and that evening we found a marine in Times Square . He helped us get our Irish car bombs on. In spite of it all, we leapt of bed the next morning to continue walking Olmsted’s program in central park. I had never rowed on the pond and we decided to make it happen. We used our engineering skills to build a super boat and rowed in tandem. took on a little water. It’s cool to see that people still have the same amount of fun rowing on the lake as they did when it was built. It probably is even more surreal now than when it was built because of the skyscrapers of course.

We capped off the trip with a visit to Grimaldi’s with our friend Oliver Herring and his partner Patrick. We talked about guerilla gardening and are hatching a project for the spring. We walked the Brooklyn bridge and then somewhat called it a night. And a weekend. We’ve already been referencing our Philip Johnson garden MoMA visit and seeing the new spaces at the Lincoln <div /></a></p>
<div>Center. We so wish you could have been with us. best, J</div>
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