Dear S- So we all arrived in NY the Thursday before memorial day. As you know, we are working on trying to build our design

eye together -but i’m also trying to get our team to deeply understand the luxury of a green space in a tight urban environment- thus all the forced fun. We landed around 6 and got into the city around sunset. I’m SO very very anti outdoor kitchen so I showed the boys the beauty of the charcoal Weber- in the rain, on my terrace on 5th avenue. We all agreed it much wiser to spend the money on strips from Loebel’s than the thing we cook them on. Plus the threat of burning down the building is an added bonus.

After dinner and wine and wine we decided to check out Central Park. We literally saw no one- they couldn’t yet realize how incredible it is to be in Central Park and not see a soul. The band shell, fountain and allees seem huge and haunting. The team found out trying to cross the park on the way home- it was empty because ahem it closes at 1am. NYCPD very helpful and kind.

The next morning we were fresh as daisies setting out to see Central Park by day. We started in the conservatory gardens, the only formally planted part of Central Park. Justin found his yoda- 1 dude a giant hedge and pair of felcos. period. slaying it.

In the afternoon- we headed downtown to get to the highline. I’m really wanting more artists’ work in the gardens so we loved seeing the Spencer Finch installs. and then some R&D at the Standard.

The next morning we aimed mid town to see one of my favorite spots in Manhattan- Paley Park. For me, it is the apotheosis of restraint and elegance. It takes a brave client to trust that 3 types of plants are more than perfect. We do adore our Live Oak client who allowed us this luxury and you know it looks SO fine. oops. ego. down.

It was fleet week and that evening we found a marine in Times Square . He helped us get our Irish car bombs on. In spite of it all, we leapt of bed the next morning to continue walking Olmsted’s program in central park. I had never rowed on the pond and we decided to make it happen. We used our engineering skills to build a super boat and rowed in tandem. took on a little water. It’s cool to see that people still have the same amount of fun rowing on the lake as they did when it was built. It probably is even more surreal now than when it was built because of the skyscrapers of course.

We capped off the trip with a visit to Grimaldi’s with our friend Oliver Herring and his partner Patrick. We talked about guerilla gardening and are hatching a project for the spring. We walked the Brooklyn bridge and then somewhat called it a night. And a weekend. We’ve already been referencing our Philip Johnson garden MoMA visit and seeing the new spaces at the Lincoln <div /></a></p>
<div>Center. We so wish you could have been with us. best, J</div>
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