is this beautiful to you?

S- huh. do you think these are dead? it’s okay dear, they are just growing underground now.


Just because it’s brown and slimy doesn’t mean it’s dead. woohoo. We had a snow day last friday! We missed you at the “BRS ghetto bobsled tournament and training session” so deemed by web designer Paul.


Truth be told we have been digging out the last of the summer succulents from our gardens. Most times brown and slimy ees not so good. But all these dead plants and the 3 day bonus weekend gave me time to have deep retail thoughts. We will inch back into retail this spring. There, I said it. We need something to make us finish our space.

And speaking of selling things- Laura Gottesman, real estate agent extraordinare tempted me with a house “that has a garden that will make you faint”. Oh yeah? Oh. yeah. Alas, now my little cottage is on the market. We put down some grass in the back which helped Dinah with her new year’s resolution not to pee in the house so we’ve got that going for us. More later…. xojb



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